Friday, May 21, 2010

Really? Really.

I am in a great mood. I, Dr. Peggie, have just watched Ocean's Eleven. That is a wonderful movie about trained professionals robbing a casino. That is totally my kind of movie. LOVED IT! So now, for a special treat...

A rainbow field! How lovely! Let us frolic and run around happy; let the games never end. Leapfrog, hopscotch, whatever you'd like. Let us not waste this wonderful day!
Oh, what shall we do? How about a tea party? Help yourself to these delightful little nibbles. Go on; don't be shy! Take as many as you'd like.
Now is the time to play a little croquet. Excellent shot, Mary! I love your hat, Susan! Today has been simply wonderful. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed it...

Nah. I'm just messing with you.
Here's what I think of your idiotic tea party.

Doing things the George Clooney way since 1988!

Fortunes of the Week!!

Here are your fortunes:

Aries- Have you ever played leap frog? If you play leap frog this week, you will be blessed with immensely good luck.
Taurus- Uh oh! Shadows are surrounding you...LOOK OUT!
Gemini- Don't go to sleep with a frown in your pocket! (advice of the week)
Cancer- Quick, hide! They are looking for you!! Be careful, young warrior.
Leo- If you don't bounce on a trampoline this week, you will have BAD LUCK!
Virgo- OMG! I am SO happy for you! Goodness and peace are all around you.
Libra- Say at least five tongue twisters this week. It will be good for your self esteem.
Scorpio- If you have been bit by a scorpion, you will have a good week. If not, UH OH!!!!
Sagittarius- Lilacs bloom, and so will your happiness!
Capricorn- You are really going to sing this week, aren't you? If you don't, then something really horrible will happen!
Aquarius- You will be very cantankerous this week. Well, you probably always were, but more this week.
Pisces- Are you a malevolent person? I hope not! If you are, your personality will come to haunt you.
I made these fortunes up. They probably won't come true.

-P I N K Y

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Funny Word!

Greetings, Specimens
Well, there are lots of words in the world. They all sound different unless they are a homophone. Some of these sound funny. Every person has different words that sound funny. Here are some of mine:
What are your funny words? I would love for you to tell me in comments. For now, FLING!!
-P I N K Y

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fortunes of The Week!


Are you guys ready to see your fortunes? Well, here they are!

Aries- Tsk, tsk...bad luck surrounds you. Darkness is in the air. Look out!
Taurus- Do you like elephants? They are your safety zone this week.
Gemini- YAY! Jump up and down with joy! You are gonna feel very ecstatic this week! :))
Cancer- Watching "Tom & Jerry" is a source of happiness this week. "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" is a source of bad luck. LOL!
Leo- Velvet, satin, silk, all of them FEEL so nice! I love them! But, sadly, if you touch one of these fabrics, bye-bye!
Virgo- Eat foods with virgin oil this week. PLEASE??
Libra- What is wrong with you you wacko?? Get it together dude! Jeez!!
Scorpio- You should whistle. Whistling is safe this week. If you don't know how, then you will be cursed!
Sagittarius- Want good luck? Here's what you have to do. Rub oil on your hand. Then, wash it off. Ooooh...
Capricorn- You will see strange siamese cats in your dreams... Wow, that's weird.
Aquarius- 1, 2, 3, BOOM! Scream this into the face of a person you don't like.
Pisces- If you eat fetuccini alfredo this week, you will have immensely horrible bad luck.
I made up these fortunes. They probably won't come true.
-P I N K Y

Friday, May 7, 2010



During your travels, you will occasionally come across something disgusting. Other times, you'll come across something unbearable cute. Well, I am going to introduce you to D.U.C.K, a form of art that will be demonstrated in this post.

Disgustingly Unbearable Cuteness Korrection
(I know "correction" is spelled wrong, but D.U.C.K. is better than D.U.C.C!)

How do you do this? Well, the first step is to find something Disgustingly, Unbearably Cute. For example, I have found this picture of a cute baby rabbit. Feel the disgusting, unbearable cuteness for a second...
All right, now we must "Korrect" it. We will get rid of the cuteness. Get a marker ready, will you? HERE WE GO... TA-DA!
Hahahaha! Who's cute now? That, my friends, is D.U.C.K. We have Korrected the Disgustingly Unbearable Cuteness.

Let's try again. Here are some more examples. As you can see, it works with anything cute, even humans! Look at these fine D.U.C.K techniques:
And here's another D.U.C.K idea. 100% credit to Paigelovey, who commented with the suggestion!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fortunes of the Week!

Hi guys! I'm sorry I couldn't post the fortunes last week. I really didn't have time. But I hope you all had good luck! Here are this week's fortunes:

Aries- This is what you should do for good luck this week. Put a sock on ONE foot. Leave the other foot bare. Stand on a bed or sofa and...HOP! Hop like a bunny! It's fun and good luck!
Taurus- Last week, did you do anything bad? Something you feel really guilty about? I think so. Here's what you should do to make up for it. It'll only work for this week. Give a friend of yours a shred of grass. No, I am not joking.
Gemini- You're WAY too grumpy. Take a deep breath. Smile, and have a good time. There's no need to be in a bad mood!
Cancer- You're going to feel mad this week. You're going to be REALLY angry. Do what you have to do. Scream into a pillow, rip a piece of paper, take a walk. Whatever it takes to cool down. Nobody wants to be around a sour puss.
Leo- Do something nice for the people that live in your house. Buy a present, help them out, etc. They'll be glad.
Virgo- You should erase. Yup, erase. Scribble all over a piece of paper, then erase it. Scribble again, then erase. Big, pink erasers are the best to use this week.
Libra- This week, you will feel very relieved. You will know why. Just remember not to forget the world around you in your relief. Okay?
Scorpio- You are doomed to have bad luck. Sadness will overwhelm your heart. It's just so horrible...I'm so sorry.
Sagittarius- HA HA HA HA HA!! This week you will be laughing for no apparent reason. Everyone will think you're crazy. Don't worry, that's not so bad. I'm used to it. You will be, too. Just remember...LOL!!!!
Capricorn- Unless your name is Bob, Fred, or Barbara, you will have immensely good luck! Pennies on the road, dancing leprachauns, the whole package. YAY! Bob, Fred, and Barbara, too bad.
Aquarius- Jewels are coming your way. Not the object kind, but the jewels of life. (Sorry, just want to sound deep!)
Pisces- Si usted sabe español, YAY! Si no lo hace, es probable que no conoce la palabra secreta. Se trata de: agricultor.
I made up these fortunes. They probably won't come true.
-P I N K Y

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Which Is the Best: Reducing, Reusing, or Recyling?

Hi gariadon hap! Heddiw, yr wyf yn mynd i gyhoeddi y enillydd (au) y Gwobrau Random diwethaf, ac yn y cwestiwn achos hon hun!

Iawn, yr wyf yn mynd i gyfaddef y gwir. Bo'r's mynediad a mynediad Lemon2608 yn y ddau awesome. Felly ... Amcana ddau ennill! Peidiwch â phoeni, nid wyf bob amser yn gwneud pobl yn rhannu. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser, byddaf yn dewis un enillydd. Dyma yw eu ceisiadau:

Bo'r-Ipads yn unig Itouch chwyddo, sy'n eu gwneud yn anodd i gario o gwmpas. Dwi ddim yn hoffi hynny. Ipods yn unig wedi cerddoriaeth a fideos, na gemau neu bethau eraill, fel apps. IPhones wedi cerddoriaeth, fideos, gemau, a more.It yn hawdd i'w cario o gwmpas. Plus, gallwch ffonio pobl. IPhones YN Y GORAU!

Lemon2608-Lets meddwl ... Ipod ond chwarae cerddoriaeth a ffilmiau. Eithaf 'n gludadwy.
Iphone gall alw pobl, movies chwarae a cherddoriaeth, ac ar y we bori os oes cysylltiad. 'N gludadwy iawn.
Gall Ipad chwarae movies a cherddoriaeth ar itunes a bori 'r gwe. Kinda 'n gludadwy.
Iphone all wneud yn fwy felly Iphone yn well yr wyf yn meddwl.

YAY! Mae'r cwestiwn hwn yn yr wythnos: Pa 'R' sydd orau: leihau, ailddefnyddio, neu ailgylchu? Pam?

Yn gywir ar hap,