Friday, May 7, 2010



During your travels, you will occasionally come across something disgusting. Other times, you'll come across something unbearable cute. Well, I am going to introduce you to D.U.C.K, a form of art that will be demonstrated in this post.

Disgustingly Unbearable Cuteness Korrection
(I know "correction" is spelled wrong, but D.U.C.K. is better than D.U.C.C!)

How do you do this? Well, the first step is to find something Disgustingly, Unbearably Cute. For example, I have found this picture of a cute baby rabbit. Feel the disgusting, unbearable cuteness for a second...
All right, now we must "Korrect" it. We will get rid of the cuteness. Get a marker ready, will you? HERE WE GO... TA-DA!
Hahahaha! Who's cute now? That, my friends, is D.U.C.K. We have Korrected the Disgustingly Unbearable Cuteness.

Let's try again. Here are some more examples. As you can see, it works with anything cute, even humans! Look at these fine D.U.C.K techniques:
And here's another D.U.C.K idea. 100% credit to Paigelovey, who commented with the suggestion!


  1. Sweet! I have one... Take a bunny, give it vampire fangs and sharp claws... EVIL SAVAGE BUNNY! Its copyright. Feel free to post about the randomness as long as you give me credit for the Evil Savage Bunny D.U.C.K!

  2. The baby still looks cute...but everything else, LOL!!
