Sunday, October 31, 2010


HEY EVERYONE! Guess what? I was browsing the Internet and I found the WEIRDEST word EVER! Okay, maybe not the weirdest word ever, but pretty weird. Can you guess what it is...? Oh, wait...the word is my title...heh heh heh....


Cool, eh? Agelast! Can you feel the word agelast spreading over your tongue like an Icebreaker or a mint? Can you feel the taste of it? What a delightful word, don't you think. Now, you may be wondering what the lovely word agelast means. Here's a definition, copied from Google.

Agelast- One who never laughs; a mirthless person.

Yeah, okay, maybe that's not the happiest word around after all. But...I have improved your vocabulary (unless you already knew the word, of course...)! You should be proud of me. Agelast. Now you can brag to your friends about knowing an amazing word that they don't!

Actually, considering my friends, they won't really care.

Oh well!

Yours randomly,

Sunday, October 10, 2010


If stars weren't fiery balls of gas, I think it would be quite interesting if people made a star machine. You could set the machine to different levels of things, like how high the stars could shoot up, and how fast they could shoot up.

And when they came falling back down, you could hold 'em in your hands and play catch or baseball or football with them.

They would twinkle brightly and light up the whole area. In fact, instead of using electricity, you could use stars for lights. True, you'd have to use a lot, since they would emit a very dim glow, but it would be amazing! :D

Oh yeah, and the star machine should be orange. Bright orange! On the side there should be the word STARS written in blue. With a blue arrow pointing up at the side where the stars come from.


Yours Randomly,