Saturday, September 17, 2011


My art teacher has a lisp.
My math teacher has poofy hair.
My science teacher is tall.
My language arts teacher is shorter than me.
I like all of them.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CNN: Darth Vader

C: Hello, this is Cafina, coming in live with a guest. The one...the only...the one and only, Missssterrr DAAARTH VAAADER. Here I am, on our talk show, CNN (Cafina's News Network). Say hello to all our fans out there, Mister Vader.
DV: Hi.
C: Mister Vader, are you supposed to be dead? I mean, I'm not a Star Wars geek and all that, so please, enlighten me!
DV: Ummm, I think so. Not sure.
C: Right. Moving on. You were adorable as a child!
DV: Thankyouverymuch.
C: So, how did Luke react when you told him you were his father?
DV: Don't remember. I'm getting a bit old here, Cafina, so if you'll just excuse that, everything will be perfectly fine.
C: So sorry, Mister Vader. I apologize.
DV: Not okay, but whatever.
C: you remember much of the past?
DV *huffs angrily* What did I just say.
C: Sorry, sorry! *mutters under breath* Ooookay then. Lose the 'tude, Mister Vader, I ain't likin' it!
DV: What was that? Didn't catch it.
C: I didn't say anything.
DV: Really? I could've sworn I'd heard something.
C: No, I didn't say anything. Um, most of these questions are kinda pointless if you don't remember the past.
DV: Hey, I saw that basketball court in the basement as they were escorting me up. Mind if I leave and shoot some hoops?
C: Yeah, sure, no problem.
DV: Great! See ya. Peace out. *leaves*
C: Well....that sure was....erm, interesting.
Well, thanks for tuning in to CNN, and be sure to catch the new episode of CNN when it comes out! Thanks, and have a greatly fantastical amazing-ish day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random Facts

Hello! Sorry that I haven't posted for a while, there hasn't been quite enough time. But there isn't too much time right now, so I'll just provide you people with a couple of quick, random things that you might want to know.

-William of Orange ascended to the throne on February 13, 1689
-The American James Younger gang robbed its first bank in Missouri
- Liam Brady, a football player, was born today BUT in 1956
-Jenna Fischer is the actress of Pam Halpert in my current FAVORITE TV show, The Office
- The birthstone of February is an amethyst
- February is Library Lover's month
- February 3rd is Wear Red Day...which I forgot, and went to school with a blue shirt, and my principal scolded me
- February 28th is national Tooth Fairy Day
- February is National Chocolate Lover's month... Chocolate Lovers of the world, unite! (Hear that, Pinky?)
- I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate. More flavor, y'know?
-February 21st is Love Your Pet day
-I am aware that I have compiled more than a couple of facts, but these are so interesting that I forgot I had to be quick.

There ya go! I always find February kind of depressing, because I'm sick of winter by then. But now, I realize February is such an interesting little month, even after Valentine's Day is over.

Forever random,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CNN: Mr, Weatherman

Hello! This is Cafina here, coming in live with a guest, Mr. Weatherman, on our talk show, CNN (Cafina's News Network)! Now, tell me, Mr. Weatherman, how did you acquire such a name?
MW: I was a weatherman for two days.
C: Wow, that's not very long.
MW: I know.
C: So, er, what were you before a weatherman?
MW: A caveman.
*awkward silence*
C: I thought cavemen were in the pre-historic times or something like that.
MW: Well, I applied to be a caveman just a week ago and I got the job.
C: Uh, what were you before a caveman?
MW: A hobo.
C: That's what I'm talking about! Tell me, did your life as a hobo change you drastically?
MW: Why should I tell you?
C: Because audience members eat this stuff up like Pinky eats up chocolate cake! I have a script I stick to. I don't really want to ask you all this boring stuff.
MW: Oh.
C: Who's your best friend?
MW: Darth Vader.
C: Uhh...
MW: He's a good guy.
C: I thought he was evil.
MW: Perhaps. I just met him a few hours ago.
C: You are a strange man.
MW: Indeed.
C: Well, thanks for tuning in to CNN, and be sure to catch the new episode of CNN when it comes out! Thanks, and have a greatly fantastical amazing-ish day!
MW: I was a bobo head 'fore I was a hobo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fortunes! (again)

Hello Squarbzoids of Omagotron! Wait...let me get into weird mysterious form...

Ah, welcome vivacious readers of this blog, this Psychic Pinky. Psychic Pinky will delve into the deepest parts of your mind and tell you your fortune. Wait...Psychic Pinky is hearing the spirits calling to her! Yes, they wish Psychic Pinky to tell you your fortune to your star sign. Ah, yes, she sees! Well, Psychic Pinky's little guest, do you know your star signs? Hmm...just in case, Psychic Pinky wishes you to check this chart on this post...

Now Psychic Pinky has the secrets of your future....

Aries: Oh no child! Terror and doom rocks your path! Psychic Pinky only see one chance of hope...YES! You must watch a Pirates of the Caribbean movie!

Taurus: Oh, oh! You are a comedian, are you? Yes! Psychic Pinky sees you causing your peers to laugh...How wonderful!

Gemini: Tsk, tsk, Psychic Pinky sees great naughty, mischievous child!

Cancer: My, my don't you get worked up. What Psychic Pinky sees is very plain-frustration throughout.

Leo: Yes! Yes! Burrowing into your sign fills Psychic Pinky with joy! She see great happiness!!

Virgo: I see...hmm...Psychic Pinky suggests you eat ice unless you want to die in the next two years...yes, please do child!
Libra: A song is coming to Psychic Pinky...listen carefully......The hills are alive! OH! The hills are alive! And I feel so alive in these hills! Oh and....Did you listen? Good, good. Sing this!

Scorpio: You see snow? Uh oh, bad out, brave warrior.

Sagittarius: Keep your eyes closed when you laugh. It is the only way!

Capricorn: Possible deaths: Old age, older age, oldest age. Possible pains within the month: toe stubs, paper cuts...


Pisces: Psychic Pinky is unavailable. Still recovering from Aquarius. fruits and vegetables...That will have to do.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jorgie Porgie

Jorgie Porgie was a bear.
Jorgie Porgie had no hair.
Jorgie Porgie sold blood.

Monday, January 17, 2011



What is it, you say? It is an element. An element I happen to know a few things about...

Thorium's symbol is Th.

It has 90 protons.

It also has 90 electrons.

Thorium is very reactive.

Thorium is a little radioactive.

Thorium is a rare earth metal.

Thorium is a actinide. This means it was one of the element that are after actinium that couldn't fit into the basic rectangle on the table of elements. As a result, they are below the basic rectangle.

Thorium is often used to make nuclear weapons and reactors.

Thorium is silvery-white.

Thorium was discovered by M. T. Esmark.

Thorium was named by Berzelius, after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, Norse is the religion of the Scandinavian people before the Christianization of Scandinavia.

Pinky's advice: If you happen to find thorium, do not eat it. It is very likely you will die. ;)

So next time you see a giant nuclear weapon lying at your feet., think THORIUM!

Goodbye now!

-P I N K Y
(P.S. I know all this because last year I did a science report on thorium. :))