Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fortunes of the Week!

Come. Come in. My magical glass ball is waiting...
HI! Every week I am going to post a 'Fortunes for the Week'. It will tell you your fortune, depending on your star sign. If you don't don't know your star sign, here is a key:
Aries-March 21-April 19
Taurus-April 20-May 20
Gemini-May 21-June 20
Cancer-June 21-July 22
Leo-July 23-August 22
Virgo-August 23-September 22
Libra-September 23-October 22
Scorpio-October 23-November 21
Sagittarius-November 22-December 21
Capricorn-December 22-January 19
Aquarius-January 20-February 18
Pisces- February 19-March 20

I will ask Peggie to put up a chart or a link or something. For now, here are the fortunes:
Aries- Be calm and organized this week. Don't go crazy and hold back on the sweets.
Taurus- You'll probably find some money on the road. Count this as the start of your savings. Get more money and add to it. You'll be happy.
Gemini- You might find your work easier for you this week. You may get all A's and B's.
Cancer- This isn't a good week for you. Be careful and aware. You may trip more often.
Leo- I see you're gaining the pounds, huh? Eat healthy and exercise.
Virgo- Go all out and have fun. Laugh and dance out. This is your CRAZY WEEK!!!!
Libra- You're pushing yourself too hard. Try to get a little more rest. Read a book or take a nap.
Scorpio- You may feel an urge to scream. Here's my advice: Yell into a pillow and you won't seem like a total maniac.
Sagittarius- You will probably feel very thirsty. And maybe sleepy. Drink lots of water. Only one or two cups of juice, and lay off the soda. Especially if it makes you as hyper as me...
Capricorn-Uh oh! This week's all bad luck. Losing your lunch money, bumping into the school bully, hitting your head...all bad things are in store. Watch out!
Aquarius- Time to go...SHOPPING! Whether you're a boy or a girl, grab that cash and go to the local mall. Clothes, video games, curtains....whatever. Just buy stuff!
Pisces- I hate to break it to ya...you're destined to be lonely this week. Walking around alone at recess, no friends coming over.... At least it's only for one week.
I made up these fortunes.They probably won't come true. Don't get worried about anything!:)
Well...that's it I guess. So...um...bye.
-P i n k y


  1. "Aries- Be calm and organized this week. Don't go crazy and hold back on the sweets."

    Oopsies. Too late! :D

    Cool post, though! Heh, heh, Cafina better watch out... she might want to scream!!

  2. Libra- You're pushing yourself too hard. Try to get a little more rest. Read a book or take a nap.

    : o napss are forr babiess!
    * is baby *
