Sunday, March 28, 2010


Did you wash your hair today?
I washed my hair yesterday. And guess what I used...
Isn't that amazing? I know!
Interesting fact: The word shampoo is Anglo-Indian. It originated from a word in Hindi, one that has all these accent marks and stuff.
There are 2 main types of shampoo:
1. Cleansers that need a follow-up of condition, and
2. Combos of cleansers and conditioners that don't clean as well as a straight cleanser and don't condition as well as a conditioner but does both things.
Other special shampoo types:
1. dry shampoos
2 baby shampoos
3. shampoos for color-treated hair
4. shampoos for processed hair
5. daily use shampoos
(I got all this info from To go to the page I got the information from, click here.
My last words about shampoo for you are: USE IT.
Thank you and have a good hair day,

Monday, March 22, 2010


Aloha! Today I want to talk about pens. Pens are quite interesting. How does a pen work? There are many different types of pens. Well, there certainly are a lot, so I'd like to list all the types I can think of. Here goes!

Gel pen
Ballpoint pen
Fountain pen
Felt-tipped pen
Reed pen
Quill pen
Dip pen
Rollerball pen

Any other pens? Excluding colored pens, of course. Did you know the word pen originated from the Latin word pinna? Another quick fact: The pen came from the Ancient Indians. Seriously! Cool, right? Whoa....


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello, Random-Lovers!

Yola! (in case you don't know, that is a mix of 'yo' and 'hola'!)
My name is Pinkguin 246, but call me Pinky! You know what the odd thing is? My favorite color is ORANGE! LOL!
Randomness, Inc. is going to be SO fun! Whenever you come here, there will be many random subjects in the posts. Randomness is one of my favorite things. AND CHOCOLATE CAKE! MMMMMMM!
Anyways, I know we haven't really started yet, but I assure you, this blog will be really random soon! So sit back and relax, and join all the randomness!

Randomness, Inc.!

Hey! (As in the 'hello' hey, not the 'hey, stop being annoying' hey.) This is the start of a new blog, Randomness Inc.!
It will be filled with randomness by me, Pinkguin (remember her from The Awesome Penguins?) and Peggie Quin! Like our header? Filled with randomness! LOL! :)
Before I say bye, here's a random fact:
The most random word in the world is random! Or so they say...
