Monday, January 17, 2011



What is it, you say? It is an element. An element I happen to know a few things about...

Thorium's symbol is Th.

It has 90 protons.

It also has 90 electrons.

Thorium is very reactive.

Thorium is a little radioactive.

Thorium is a rare earth metal.

Thorium is a actinide. This means it was one of the element that are after actinium that couldn't fit into the basic rectangle on the table of elements. As a result, they are below the basic rectangle.

Thorium is often used to make nuclear weapons and reactors.

Thorium is silvery-white.

Thorium was discovered by M. T. Esmark.

Thorium was named by Berzelius, after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, Norse is the religion of the Scandinavian people before the Christianization of Scandinavia.

Pinky's advice: If you happen to find thorium, do not eat it. It is very likely you will die. ;)

So next time you see a giant nuclear weapon lying at your feet., think THORIUM!

Goodbye now!

-P I N K Y
(P.S. I know all this because last year I did a science report on thorium. :))

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