Thursday, January 27, 2011

CNN: Mr, Weatherman

Hello! This is Cafina here, coming in live with a guest, Mr. Weatherman, on our talk show, CNN (Cafina's News Network)! Now, tell me, Mr. Weatherman, how did you acquire such a name?
MW: I was a weatherman for two days.
C: Wow, that's not very long.
MW: I know.
C: So, er, what were you before a weatherman?
MW: A caveman.
*awkward silence*
C: I thought cavemen were in the pre-historic times or something like that.
MW: Well, I applied to be a caveman just a week ago and I got the job.
C: Uh, what were you before a caveman?
MW: A hobo.
C: That's what I'm talking about! Tell me, did your life as a hobo change you drastically?
MW: Why should I tell you?
C: Because audience members eat this stuff up like Pinky eats up chocolate cake! I have a script I stick to. I don't really want to ask you all this boring stuff.
MW: Oh.
C: Who's your best friend?
MW: Darth Vader.
C: Uhh...
MW: He's a good guy.
C: I thought he was evil.
MW: Perhaps. I just met him a few hours ago.
C: You are a strange man.
MW: Indeed.
C: Well, thanks for tuning in to CNN, and be sure to catch the new episode of CNN when it comes out! Thanks, and have a greatly fantastical amazing-ish day!
MW: I was a bobo head 'fore I was a hobo.